Patrons and Supporters
Inform’s Patrons:
The Right Reverend David Williams
Bishop of Truro, Church of England
The Reverend Helen Cameron
The Moderator of the Free Churches’ Group
Bishop Paul Hendricks
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark
Professor Lord Desai of St Clement Danes

Inform’s Advisory Panel:
Sir John Allison
Lady Allison (Gillian)
Leethen Bartholomew, Head of National FGM Centre
Professor Abby Day, PhD; Professor of Race, Faith & Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London
Monsignor Peter Fleetwood; consultor to the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue and priest of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool
Professor Matthew Francis, PhD; Professor of Security and Resilience, Protective Security Lab, Coventry University
Canon Dr Giles Fraser; Parish Priest at St Mary’s Newington, Southwark and columnist for The Guardian
Professor Ron Geaves; Honorary Visiting Professor at Centre for the Study of Islam in the UK, Cardiff University
Professor Conor Gearty, PhD; Professor of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics and Political Science
Professor Emeritus Graham Harvey, PhD; Professor of Religious Studies, The Open University
Professor Mary Kaldor; Professor of Global Governance and Director of the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit at the London School of Economics
His Honour Judge Philip Katz KC
Pavol Kosnáč; Director of DEKK Institute, Principal Investigator of World Value Survey in Slovakia and Ministry of Justice Expert Witness on Religious Extremism
Hugh Marriage OBE; former Home Office Senior Civil Servant who has been associated with Inform since its inception
Jim McManus; Director of Public Health, Hertfordshire County Council
Ziya Meral MSc; researcher and expert on Middle East and religious freedom
Sarah O’Grady; Governance Adviser, Mediator, Solicitor
David G. Robertson, PhD; Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, The Open University
Jasjit Singh, PhD; Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science (PRHS), University of Leeds
Damian Thompson PhD; associate editor of The Spectator
Professor David Voas; Professor of Social Science in the UCL Social Research Institute
Revd Canon Dr James Walters, Founding Director of the LSE Faith Centre and Religion and LSE Global Society Research Unit
Professor Linda Woodhead, MBE, FBA; F.D. Maurice Professor in Moral and Social Theology, Head of Department, Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College London
Inform’s Board of Governors
The Board is responsible for Inform’s overall policy. It meets twice a year and submits an Annual Report and audited accounts to Companies House and the Charity Commissioners.
Amma Anane-Agyei, Founder and Lead person, New African Families Service National and International Network and Visiting Fellow at the School of Health, Education, Policing and Sciences, University of Staffordshire
Rabbi Charley Baginsky, CEO of Liberal Judaism.
George D. Chryssides, DPhil, (Vice-Chair); Visiting Research Fellow, York St John University.
Susannah Crockford, PhD; Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Exeter.
Professor Mark Hill, KC; Honorary Professor of Law at the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University and Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria.
The Reverend Steve Hollinghurst, Diocese of Lichfield, Nominee of the Church of England.
Professor Kim Knott, PhD (Chair); Professor Emerita of Religious and Secular Studies, Lancaster University.
Father Toby Lees, OP; Roman Catholic Chaplain at King’s College London and assistant priest at Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic’s, London; Nominee of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster.
The Reverend Andrew Maguire, MA, BD (Treasurer); Nominee of the Free Churches’ Group, supernumerary Methodist Minister.
Suzanne Newcombe, PhD; Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies, The Open University.
Professor Marat Shterin, PhD; Professor in Sociology of Religion, Department of Religious Studies, King’s College London.
Aled Thomas, PhD; Teaching Fellow in the Study of Religion, University of Leeds.
The Reverend Alan Walker, MA, MTh, LLM; Parish Priest.
Professor Eileen Barker, PhD, OBE, FBA; Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Anne Richards; national adviser on new religious movements and alternative spiritualities, National Public Policy Adviser and convener of the Mission Theology Advisory Group (MTAG) for the Church of England.
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