Is this group harmful?
Some groups sometimes harm some people.
But, simply because a beliefs and/or practices are unfamiliar, or new or ‘different’ does not mean that they are necessarily a cause for concern. Research shows that much of the ‘conventional wisdom’ about ‘cults’ or new religions is not always well-founded.

When is a religion harmful?
Although terms like ‘cult’ are used as technical terms by sociologists of religion, these terms have come to be used as pejorative labels often telling us more about the attitude of the speaker than about the movement in question. Inform prefers not to label a particular group or movement as a ‘cult’, but instead, to use more neutral terms such as ‘minority religion’ ‘movement’ or ‘sect’ as a starting point, and then describe what it is this group or movement believes and does.

Considering joining a
minority religion?
Inform has evidence to suggest that seekers sometimes commit themselves too quickly to a religious group or a meditation course which they initially experience as a ‘good fit’, without being fully aware of the particular worldview being offered, or the wide variety of approaches and techniques to religion and spirituality available. We always recommend people get information from a variety of sources before joining anything.
Relatives & Friends / Individuals and Families
If you or someone you know has questions or queries about a minority religion or religious group our enquiry service can help. We take enquiries by email or via our dedicated phone helpline and respond to enquiries as quickly as possible. Get in touch for more information.
We are committed to preserving confidentiality and are not here to offer advice. Instead, our expert staff will provide impartial, accurate and up to date information in response to specific questions or concerns you may have in order to help you feel more informed to make decisions or respond to the specific challenges you, a family member or friend may be facing.
To help support the continued work of our dedicated helpline you can make a small donation.
As a registered charity, we rely on financial support to continue the work that we do and welcome donations big or small. To make a donation please click on the secure link.

Institutions & Organisations
Inform can support the particular needs of institutions and organisations in a range of different ways. Our enquiry service offers impartial, accurate and up to date information in response to specific queries and offers expert, reliable and fully contextualised information based on over thirty years of experience. We respond to enquiries from a wide-range of audiences including the media, government departments and those concerned with safeguarding the public – e.g. the police, social workers, teachers and clergy.
We can offer bespoke training and workshop packages for specific audiences as well as providing advice or consultancy – and are currently working with the Department of Education in this capacity.
Seminars and events offer the opportunity for those working in public policy and safeguarding to come together and hear and debate the latest information and thinking on relevant topics in this area.
Inform is a registered charity, no. 801729. Company no. 2346855. Terms and Conditions
Inform is a registered charity, no. 801729. Company no. 2346855. Terms and Conditions