Supporters and Donations
Supporting Inform will help us to continue to provide accurate, up-to-date and evidence-based information about new and minority religions in order to prevent harm based on misinformation.

Become a friend of Inform
Becoming a Friend is by a suggested monthly subscription of £2.50 monthly (or £30 annually), but you may contribute more in accordance with your situation. Friends-Subscriptions cannot currently be gift-aided. Friends of Inform not only help to support us by your generosity, but will receive the benefit of a 10% reduction on Inform seminars.
£2.50 a month | £5.00 a month |
£10.00 a month | £20 a month |
An alternative method of making a monthly payment for a Friends-Subscription is by standing order with your bank. A form for this purpose can be downloaded here.
Anonymous Donations
Because Inform believes it is important that the information it provides is as balanced and reliable as possible, it has a policy of not knowingly accepting funding from any religious, spiritual or other group about which it may be asked to give a report. It can, however, accept anonymous donations (which can be gift-aided):
You can donate here:
N.B. You will not get an acknowledgement from Inform as we shall not know where the money has come from. (This is even if you click on the next page that you wish your contact details to be shared.)
One-off Donations
Inform is a registered charity, no. 801729. Company no. 2346855. Terms and Conditions