Inform Seminar – Saturday 30 November 2024
New Religiosity on Campus
New ideas and new experiences are central to the experience of university, particularly for young people on campuses. This seminar will explore some of the issues around new religions/religiosity on campus in the contemporary UK. We will hear from panels of speakers including chaplains, academics, PhD students and members and former members of religious movements. We will consider questions including ‘why do students love learning about cults?’; ‘what are chaplains’ primary concerns about new religions on campus?’ and ‘what are the primary roles that university religious organisations play in the lives of students today?’
Sources of Support – New Leaflet
Inform has just published a new leaflet for victims and survivors of harm experienced in religious contexts. It is also intended to support their families, friends and witnesses of harm caused in religious settings. Professionals working to support people who have experienced harm may find this leaflet a helpful starting point and are welcome to contact Inform for further resources.
Can you help to secure Inform’s future?
Since the reduction in support from Government for charities following the financial crisis, Inform has managed to secure a number of projects funded by a variety of organisations but, while these pay for staff time, they do not cover core costs such as rent, insurance and accounting expenses.
Because Inform believes it is important that the information it provides is as balanced and reliable as possible, it has a policy of not knowingly accepting funding from any religious, spiritual or other group about which it may be asked to give a report. It can, however, accept anonymous donations. If you would like Inform’s work to continue and would like to give it some anonymous support, this can be done by clicking on the Donate button on this and other pages.
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