We are an independent educational charity providing information about minority religions and sects which is as accurate, up-to-date and as evidence-based as possible.


Save the Date – Friday 30 May – Inform Seminar

New Religiosity and Sustainable Food Cultures

A one-day seminar with hybrid participation
King’s College London and Online
This seminar examines the plural responses, reactions and new directions coming from religious and spiritual communities in response to contemporary sustainable food practices.

For more information see: https://inform.ac/upcoming-events/

Seminar is hosted by INFORM and funded by the Centre of Global Challenges and Social Justice at the Open University.

Sources of Support – New Leaflet

Inform has just published a new leaflet for victims and survivors of harm experienced in religious contexts. It is also intended to support their families, friends and witnesses of harm caused in religious settings. Professionals working to support people who have experienced harm may find this leaflet a helpful starting point and are welcome to contact Inform for further resources.

What we do & how we do it

The primary roles we fulfil sit in 4 key areas:





Our offer

Inform acts as a unique bridge between academic expertise and practical application

Inform is a registered charity, no. 801729. Company no. 2346855. Terms and Conditions

Inform is a registered charity, no. 801729. Company no. 2346855. Terms and Conditions